
Hello, I'm Byron.

I'm a creative technologist who solves problems by building beautiful experiences and meaningful relationships.

In my current role at Wipro Digital, I use design, engineering and strategy to transform Fortune 500 companies, with solutions affecting millions worldwide.

I help clients navigate from ideation to finding product-market fit, with the needs of their customers at the heart of everything we do.

HTML5CSS3JavascriptReactGatsbyExpressJSGSAPD3JSGitGulpWebpackDesign ThinkingCreative Problem SolvingCustomer Journey MappingHuman Centred DesignHypothesis-Driven DesignAdobe CCSketchFramerXValue InnovationLean MethodologiesDiscovery-Driven PlanningAgile MethodologiesAssumption MappingDesign SprintsRapid Prototyping